Please send answers to sabiduria@runbox.com or WhatsApp: +51 918 711 984
Please, just so we may understand each other, send the answers.
1.- What is Kailasa and who is its founder? (Watch video HOME)
2.- What are you required to belive by coming here? (See FAQ)
3- Is this a resort where people come to have leisure or a place of learning and work? (See SCHEDULLE )
4.- How many hours we have for leisure daily and which days we spend wholly in leisure? (See SCHEDULLE )
5.- Why is important an organic vegetarian diet? (See FAQ)
6.- Do we eat meat or kill animals to snack and enjoy our tongue? (See FAQ)
7.- What kind of accommodation are you going to get? (See FAQ)
8.- Do you like working with plants even if you don´t have any experience?
9.- Would you want to learn some body and mind healthy practices from Nithyananda?
10.- Is there any cost for this program? (See FAQ))
11.- is there a maximum or minimum stay? (See FAQ)
12.- What about mosquitoes? (See FAQ)